Standard No.: JR/T 0155.2—2018
Standard Chinese name: 证券期货业场外市场交易系统接口 第2部分:订单接口
Standard English name: OTC trading system interface for securities and futures market—Part 2: Orders
Issue Date: 2018-01-18
Implementation Date: 2018-01-18
Drafting Unit: IT Center, China Securities Regulatory Commission, Dept. of Fund and Intermediary Supervision, China Securities Regulatory Commission, Securities Association of China, China Securities Internet System Co., Ltd., Fujian Apex Software Co.,Ltd..
Draftman: Zhang Ye, Liu Tiebin, Zhou Yunhui, Liu Yeqing, Gao Hongjie, Yang Shengping, Xu Yazhao, Cao Lei, Liu Yunqing, Li Rui, Luo Liming, Liu Hui, Liu Jianbao, Sun Deng.
Standard Scope: This part specifics the terms and definitions, session transmission, message format, message structure, real-time trading business, auxiliary processing, data dictionary and other contents of the order interface of the OTC trading system for securities and futures market.
This part applies to the exchange of order data between OTC trading system and OTC trading system of securities companies.